If you are planning a move, then it's wise to know whether you should use a commercial mover or a residential mover to help you with a more office or business-related move. Your commercial moving company is going to be able to better serve you, although if you are a smaller business or just doing a simple relocation, then residential movers may be able to assist you as well as a commercial one can.
Knowing the difference between commercial movers and residential movers helps you learn who is best for you. Here are some common differences between the two.
Commercial movers move larger things
Basically, commercial movers are accustomed to moving more items and bulkier, larger items. This means they usually hire more staff, have larger or multiple vehicles, and are, in general, more readily available for handling larger moving tasks. If you hire residential movers to assist you in your larger-company move, you may end up overwhelming your moving company or causing them to double up on the work. Or, they may just outsource your job to a commercial moving company anyway.
Hire a commercial moving company if it's more cost-effective to do so and your move will get completed in a more timely manner, even if you feel a residential mover would be able to meet your needs just fine. You can get a quote for commercial moving from a sales specialist, or you can set up a live consult.
Commercial movers have different specialties
In the world of commercial moving, the appliances and electronics to be transported are likely more involved and complicated than the same appliances or electronics moved in a residential move. This means items are transported in a different way, employees are trained in various manners to complete tasks, and other precautions are made regarding a commercial move. A commercial moving company may have different strategies and moving tools to relocate lots of industrial and commercial equipment, which will benefit your business best.
Your commercial moving or residential moving choices are best made after calculated consideration of the benefits of each. While you can complete a business move with either professional in most cases, in the end, it may be wisest of you to hire a full-service commercial moving company. This type of company can best meet your needs, help you get into your new establishment, and stick to the deadlines you have set forth better than a residential mover might be able to.
Contact a company like Eagle Eye Movers to learn more.